A Decade of Rock

Pearl Jam on the Web


My Deer Creek Experience



What's with this Page?

Okay so I have this little Pearl Jam page.  Why?  One, because I can, and two because I love the music.  I got to thinking about what I could put on this page that no one else has on their Pearl Jam page.  As you may have guessed I didn't come up with anything too original.  Right now this page does little more than declare publicly that I am indeed a Pearl Jam fan.

However, it is my personal mission to make as as much live Pearl Jam media available as possible to anyone who wants it.  After all, the music is really what it is all about.  I'm just a lowly Mp3 trader (no dats and not too many cds), but if you can settle for a little loss, I've got a pretty decent quantity. 

Pearl Jam at Deer Creek

My girlfriend and I were fortunate enough to see Pearl Jam and Sonic Youth play Deer Creek Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana in August this year.  I am shameful that this was indeed my first Pearl Jam concert experience (Although I've been collecting live performances for a while).  Going into the show I was kind of afraid that I'd be disappointed since I've heard so many live recordings, and I've heard so many rarities and covers.  It just wouldn't be possible to hear them all.  Pearl Jam however must have known I was coming, because they played an amazing set on a beautiful night.  At one point in the show Ed came out on stage and played a solo of  "Throw Your Arms Around Me".  It's crazy how quiet 25,000 people at a rock concert can be.
The band performed flawlessly and seemed to be quite upbeat despite the tragedy that struck their tour a few months earlier.  Mike was simply amazing.  There have been some great rock guitarists, but nobody plays like mike.  Ed's brother was there and so was a nearly full moon creeping up behind the fans and clearly visible from the stage.  Pearl Jam is just so amazing how they can change moods so quickly by playing different songs.  Pearl Jam's style contains so much variety in itself.  It's just so fulfilling; Pearl Jam leaves nothing to be desired.  They're as swell as swell can be, what else can be said?
Sonic Youth was pretty darn awesome too.  I really haven't listened too very much of their material, and from hearing one set, I still am pretty Sonic Youth ignorant.  I can assure you though limited my knowledge may be that they totally rocked.  The guitar definitely Brought out those classic seattle rock vibes.  Their sound reminded me a lot of Nirvana's In Utero album.  It Doesn't really matter where the sound originated, what matters is that it was freakin sweet.  I don't think the crowd was really too into it though.  After each song there'd be a few half hearted cheers spiked by the screams of the 3 or 4 die hard Sonic Youth fans.  I think a guy sitting a couple seats down from me was actually covering his ears.  All I could do was laugh and take it in.  I don't care if 1991 is over, Feedback still rocks.

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